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Course Overview
In this immersive 2-part series, we will deep dive into how to generate leads using landing pages and how to automate the follow up to convert the leads.
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Topics Covered
  • Explaining what a lead magnet is and how they can use it for FREE leads
  • Lead magnet ideas and how to create them
  • Creating a Landing page in Lofty
  • Automating the follow-up so people get instantly contacted to deliver the lead magnet
  • How to quickly create a Smart Plan (of course) for long-term follow-up to match the lead magnet
  • A quick overview on managing their database with tags, etc.
Course Features
  • Live / Video Time: 1 hour per session
  • Level:  New Agent  Experienced Agent,  Top Producer,  Teams

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Meet The Instructor

Patti Sampson

Realtor® | Associate Broker – Scottsdale, Arizona
CEO/Founder – ExposedAgent Marketing Solutions, LLC | EngageMore CRM| RealEstateDripMail.com

Best Selling Author “Drip Campaign Secrets”

In 2004, after a 17-year legal career, Patti gave it up to pursue her love of real estate. Since then, Patti has personally closed multi-millions in GCI by capturing, nurturing and converting internet leads. She has owned a brokerage and led large teams who have closed countless sales. Patti’s success as an agent and leader was because she learned to master the lead automation, follow-up process by creating a strategic and repeatable follow-up plan within her CRM.

By skillfully leveraging the capabilities of her CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, she created a strategic and highly efficient follow-up plan. Today, she shares her experience with other agents, brokers, and teams all over the world. Her goal for every agent is to become successful real estate professionals through highly effective, efficient and consistent lead conversion, no matter where the leads originate or chosen CRM because the money is in the follow up!

Patti’s success and passion to efficiently and effectively work her business by mastering the follow-up game has gained her local and national notoriety within the real estate community as a master CRM & Drip Campaign Specialist. This passion has since expanded her business ventures into a digital marketing coach, consultant, speaker and CRM software owner. Her companies, ExposedAgent Marking Solutions, LLC (ExposedAgent.com), EngageMoreCRM.com, andRealEstateDripMail.com help agents and entrepreneurs everywhere to sell more efficiently with proven lead capture strategies, drip campaign content, landing page funnels, digital marketing, coaching and training.

Patti has presented on large stages across the country, as well as guest-hosted on uncountable webinars and podcasts. She also loves providing free tips and advice on her YouTube channels and within her Facebook groups. She is also extremely excited for hitting the Bestseller list for her new book “Drip Campaign Secrets” available now on Amazon.

Patti is a working Agent teaching Agents and other small business owners to sell more through better, more efficient and engaging lead generation, email, text and drip campaign marketing.

Learn more about how Patti can help you grow your business too atExposedAgent.com because The Money is in the Follow-up!
Patrick Jones - Course author