How To Host A Successful Client Appreciation Event

Clients who feel valued are much more likely to be repeat customers and refer you business. Learn how to hold an event your clients will remember. Colton will discuss how to select the right venue, how to market for maximum attendance, how to get most of the event paid for, and how to create a duplicatable process.

Topics Covered

  • How to bring value to other people's lives
  • 5 ideas on how to celebrate others
  • What can hosting 10 events bring to your life?

 Business Development

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Course features

  • Instructor: Colton Lindsay
  • Video time: 1 hours
Level:  New Agent,  Experienced Agent,  Top Producer
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Course materials

Meet The Instructor

Colton Lindsay

Colton Lindsay - Internationally recognized Real Estate Sales Speaker, Trainer, and Mastermind Facilitator. 

Colton helps agents go from being a business operator to a business owner, create real financial freedom, and live a life they love. 
Patrick Jones - Course author

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