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Course Overview
Perfect the craft of generating and building meaningful relationships without ever having to cold call, door knock or even ASK for business. 

In this monthly session, we'll discuss how you can use your social media presence to increase client sales, agent-to-agent referrals, and agent attraction.

Regardless of what social platform you're looking to become better at - make sure to join this call to perfect your craft of leveraging social media to further your business. 
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Course Features
  • 1 hour of live discussion per session
Level:  New Agent,  Experienced Agent,  Top Producer,  Teams
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Meet The Moderator

KC McKeown

KC McKeown is an experienced real estate agent and investor with just shy of 7 years' experience mostly in the Dallas Fort Worth market of Texas. After serving in the Marines and becoming a high school teacher/wrestling coach for two years - he transitioned into real estate full time and has gone on to sell over $115,000,000 in real estate as a solo agent as well as accumulate over $5,000,000 in rental properties which gross over $400,000 in rental income annually.

A majority of KC's business has come from social media - through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & Tik Tok. After thousands of hours spent on social media alone, he has perfected the craft of generating and building meaningful relationships without ever having to cold call, door knock or even ASK for business. These relationships have not only helped from an agent production standpoint but also for agent attraction with nearly 600 agents in his organization at REAL Brokerage. 

Regardless of what social platform you're looking to become better at - make sure to join this call to perfect your craft of leveraging social media to further your business. 
Write your awesome label here.